EAMT extends all 2021 memberships: letter to EAMT members in 2021
Dear EAMT member,
As you are aware, we are moving the EAMT legal location from Switzerland to Belgium. As part of this process, we have been working since last year to open a bank account in Belgium.Unfortunately, this is not an easy task and despite our best efforts, we are still dealing with bureaucracy (we are almost there, though).
Because of the above, you probably noticed that we did not send the reminders for membership renewals (usually due in March).
Since it is not possible to predict when our new bank account will be available and in recognition of your amazing support to our association during the pandemic, the EAMT executive committee decided to extend all 2021 memberships to cover the year of 2022 (this includes Institutional/Non-profit and Corporate memberships).
Therefore, you do not need to renew your membership this year and we will contact you in 2023! If you have already renewed, our treasure will be in contact with you to decide the best course of action.
PLEASE NOTE: EAMT 2022 conference registration is still needed if you are joining us in Ghent!
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.