About the EAMT

What is the EAMT?

The European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT) is an organization that serves the growing community of people interested in MT and translation tools, including users, developers, and researchers of this increasingly viable technology.


The EAMT is one of three regional associations of the International Association for Machine Translation (IAMT). Its sister organizations are the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA) and the Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation (AAMT).


Together with the AMTA and the AAMT, the EAMT organizes workshops and conferences, such as the bi-annual MT Summit, and the annual EAMT conferences or workhops. Under the auspices of the IAMT, it also compiles listings of companies and products which are distributed free or at nominal cost to its members. The EAMT also maintains a mailing list, mt-list@eamt.org, as a public forum for the discussion of translation technology.


The EAMT is a non-profit organization registered in Switzerland. The EAMT was established in 1991, and it is the only organization of its kind in Europe.

EAMT Statutes

From here, you can see the EAMT articles of association.

EAMT statements of account

Here you can find the approved EAMT statements of account for the past financial year, that also include the auditor’s report.