EAMT best thesis award

The Anthony C. Clarke Award for the 2022 EAMT Best Thesis

The European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT, http://www.eamt.org) is an organization that serves the growing community of people interested in MT and translation tools, including translators, users, developers, and researchers of this increasingly viable technology.

The EAMT invites entries for its eleventh EAMT Best Thesis Award for a PhD or equivalent thesis on a topic related to machine translation. 

Previous year winners can be found at https://eamt.org/best-thesis-award/


Researchers who

  • have completed a PhD (or equivalent) thesis on a relevant topic in a European, African or Middle Eastern (1) institution within calendar year 2022,
  • have not previously won another international award for that thesis, and,
  • are members of the EAMT at the time of submission, 

are invited to submit their theses to the EAMT for consideration. 

(1)  Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Yemen.


The submissions will be judged by a panel of experts who will be specifically appointed, based on the EAMT 2023 program committee, and which will be ratified by the Executive Board of the EAMT.

Selection criteria

Each thesis will be judged according to how challenging the problem was, to how relevant the results are for machine translation as a field, and to the strength of their impact in terms of scientific publications.


The scope of the thesis does not need to be confined to a technical area, and applications are also invited from students who carried out their research into commercial and management aspects of machine translation.

Possible areas of research include:

  • development of machine translation or advanced computer-assisted translation: methods, software or resources
  • machine translation for less-resourced languages
  • the use of these systems in professional environments (freelance translators, translation agencies, localisation, etc.)
  • the increasing impact of machine translation on non-professional Internet users and its impact in communications, social networking, etc.
  • spoken language translation
  • the integration of machine translation and translation memory systems
  • the integration of machine translation software in larger IT applications
  • the evaluation of machine translation systems in real tasks such as those above
  • the cross-fertilisation between machine translation and other language technologies


The winner will be announced on the 31st of March 2023 and will receive a prize of €500, together with an inscribed certificate. The recipient of the award will be required to briefly present their research at EAMT 2023 to be held from 12th June to 15th June 2022 in Tampere, Finland. In order to facilitate this, the EAMT will waive the winner’s registration costs, and will make available a travel bursary of €200 to enable the recipient of the award to attend the said conference. The prize includes complimentary membership in the EAMT for 2024.


Candidates will submit using EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eamt2023 (Submission type: Thesis Award), a single PDF file containing:

  • a 2-page summary of your thesis in English, containing:
    • your full contact details,
  • the name and contact details of your supervisor(s),
  • a copy of your CV in English (at most one page, plus a complete list of publications directly related to the thesis)
  • an electronic copy of your thesis
  • optionally, an appendix with any other relevant information on the thesis

By submitting their work, authors

  • agree that, in case they are granted the award, any subsequently published version of the thesis should carry the citation “The Anthony C. Clarke Award for the 2022 EAMT Best Thesis” and
  • acknowledge the right of the EAMT to publicize the granting of the award.

For this year’s Best Thesis Award we are requiring candidates to be an individual EAMT member at the time of submission. For EAMT memberships, please visit: http://www.eamt.org/membership.php.

Closing date

  • Submission deadline: March 3 March 10, 2023, 23:59 CEST.
  • Award notification: March 31 April 6, 2023.
EAMT best thesis award

2021 Anthony C Clarke Award for the EAMT Best Thesis: awardee announcement

Six PhD theses defended in 2021 were received as candidates for the 2021 edition of the Anthony C Clarke Award for the EAMT Best Thesis, and all six were eligible. 12 reviewers and five EAMT Executive Committee members were recruited to examine and score the theses, considering how challenging the problem tackled in each thesis was, how relevant the results were for machine translation as a field, and what the strength of its impact in terms of scientific publications was. Two EAMT Executive Committee members (Helena Moniz – EAMT President – and Carolina Scarton – EAMT Secretary) formed a panel to analyse all theses and discuss all reviews.

The year of 2021 was again a very good year for PhD theses in machine translation. The scores of the best theses were very close, which made it very hard to select a winner. After discussing all the theses and their reviews, the panel proposed a winner that was approved by the EAMT executive committee. 

We are pleased to announce that the awardee of the 2021 edition of the EAMT Best Thesis is Danielle Saunders’ thesis “Domain Adaptation for Neural Machine Translation” (University of Cambridge, UK – now at RWS Language Weaver), supervised by Professor Bill Byrne.

The awardee will receive a prize of €500, together with a suitably-inscribed certificate. In addition, Dr. Saunders will present a summary of their thesis at the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT 2022: https://eamt2022.com) which will take place from June 1st to 3rd in Ghent, Belgium. In order to facilitate this, the EAMT will waive the winner’s registration costs, and will make available a travel bursary of €200.

Helena Moniz, EAMT President
Carolina Scarton, EAMT Secretary

Program committee

José G. C. de Souza, Unbabel
Vera Cabarrão, Unbabel / INESC-ID
Sheila Castilho, DCU
Mattia Antonino Di Gangi, AppTek
Mirella De Sisto, Tilburg University
Miquel Esplà-Gomis, Universitat d’Alacant
Federico Gaspari, DCU
Barry Haddow, University of Edinburgh
Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski, Saarland University
Maja Popovic, DCU
Lieve Macken, Ghent University
André Martins, Unbabel
Celia Rico, Spain
Víctor M. Sánchez-Cartagena, Universitat d’Alacant
Marina Sánchez-Torrón, Unbabel
Arda Tezcan, Ghent University
Marco Turchi, Fondazione Bruno Kessler

EAMT conference

EAMT 2022: Support for participants from low-income countries and war zones

Call for Participation 

The European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT) is an organisation that serves the growing community of people interested in MT and translation tools, including translators, users, developers, and researchers of this increasingly viable technology.

As part of its commitment to promote research, development and awareness about translation technologies, the EAMT opens a call for a small number of bursaries to support EAMT 2022 attendees from areas affected by war and low-income countries. The 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT 2022) conference will be held in Ghent, Belgium, from June 1st to June 3rd.

Purpose of the Call

This call is dedicated to support EAMT 2022 attendees that do not have fundings to attend the conference, from areas affected by war or low-income countries in Europe, Middle East or Africa. 

The EAMT particularly encourages applications from early career researchers.

All applications will be screened by the EAMT President (Dr Helena Moniz) and the EAMT Secretary (Dr Carolina Scarton) and possibly a few appointed Executive Committee members if necessary.

Application information

Eligibility requirements

In order to qualify for this call, the individual must be a student or an employee of an institution located in areas affected by war or in low-income countries in Europe, Middle East or Africa, that would not be able to attend the conference without this support. Students and early-career researchers/academics will have priority.

Selection criteria

  • The selection will be made based on the information submitted to the provided Google Forms (link below).
  • One of the fields in the form is a “motivation letter”, where you should describe your motivation for attending the EAMT 2022 conference and explain why you do not have other funds to sponsor your attendance.
  • You should also submit a CV, highlighting your years of experience in the MT area.


EAMT anticipates funding several applications. Selected participants will be announced on the 5th of May 2022 and will receive complimentary membership in the EAMT for 2022 and 2023, free registration at the EAMT 2022 conference and paid accommodation in Ghent.

Contact for enquiries

Carolina Scarton

EAMT Secretary

e-mail: c.scarton@sheffield.ac.uk


Candidates should submit their applications via a Google Form: https://forms.gle/oviiJmE56PCJ6wmv9

Important Dates

  • Circulation of the Call: April 28, 2022
  • Submission deadline for applications: May 3rd, 2022, 23:59 CEST
  • Notifications: May 5th, 2022

Additional provisions

  • Only complete applications will be reviewed.
  • All information submitted with applications will be regarded as confidential and will only be used in the context of this call.
  • You may be asked to share the accommodation room with other awardees. However, we will commit to respect any requirements / concerns that you inform us (e.g. religion, gender, etc).

No obligation to award the bursaries

The EAMT shall be under no obligation to fund the applications pursuant to this call for participation. EAMT shall not be liable for any compensation with respect to candidates whose applications have not been approved. Nor shall it be liable in the event of it deciding not to award the bursaries.

EAMT conference

EAMT 2022: Bursaries for Translators – Call for Participation

Call for Participation 

The European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT) is an organisation that serves the growing community of people interested in MT and translation tools, including translators, users, developers, and researchers of this increasingly viable technology.

As part of its commitment to promote research, development and awareness about translation technologies, the EAMT opens a call for a small number of bursaries to support translators and Translation Studies’ students, in attending the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT 2022) conference, to be held in Ghent, Belgium, from June 1st to June 3rd.

Purpose of the Call

This call is dedicated to support translators and Translation Studies’ students, working or studying in European, Middle-Eastern or African countries, that do not have fundings to attend the conference.

The EAMT particularly encourages applications from early-career translators.

All applications will be screened by the EAMT President (Dr Helena Moniz) and the EAMT Secretary (Dr Carolina Scarton) and possibly a few appointed Executive Committee members if necessary.

Application information

Eligibility requirements

In order to qualify for this call, the individual must be a translator or enrolled in a Master or PhD course in Translation Studies. The support is only available to individuals working or studying in European, Middle-Eastern or African countries. Freelance translators and students will have priority.

Selection criteria

  • The selection will be made based on the information submitted to the provided Google Forms (link below).
  • One of the fields in the form is a “motivation letter”, where you should describe your motivation for attending the EAMT 2022 conference and explain why you do not have other funds to sponsor your attendance.
  • You should also submit a CV, highlighting your years of experience in the translation area and your experience working with MT.
  • For students: you should also submit an official proof of student status, signed by your University.


EAMT anticipates funding several applications. Selected participants will be announced on the 5th of May 2022 and will receive complimentary membership in the EAMT for 2022 and 2023, free registration at the EAMT 2022 conference and paid accommodation in Ghent.

Contact for enquiries

Carolina Scarton

EAMT Secretary

e-mail: c.scarton@sheffield.ac.uk


Candidates should submit their applications via a Google Form: https://forms.gle/DiKwNEp9Ed1PtiDw7

Important Dates

  • Circulation of the Call: April 28, 2022
  • Submission deadline for applications: May 3rd, 2022, 23:59 CEST
  • Notification: May 5th, 2022

Additional provisions

  • Only complete applications will be reviewed.
  • All information submitted with applications will be regarded as confidential and will only be used in the context of this call.
  • You may be asked to share the accommodation room with other awardees. However, we will commit to respect any requirements / concerns that you inform us (e.g. religion, gender, etc).

No obligation to award the bursaries

The EAMT shall be under no obligation to fund the applications pursuant to this call for participation. EAMT shall not be liable for any compensation with respect to candidates whose applications have not been approved. Nor shall it be liable in the event of it deciding not to award the bursaries.

EAMT best thesis award

The Anthony C. Clarke Award for the 2021 EAMT Best Thesis

The European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT, http://www.eamt.org) is an organization that serves the growing community of people interested in MT and translation tools, including translators, users, developers, and researchers of this increasingly viable technology.

The EAMT invites entries for its tenth EAMT Best Thesis Award for a PhD or equivalent thesis on a topic related to machine translation. 

Previous year winners can be found at https://eamt.org/best-thesis-award/


Researchers who

  • have completed a PhD (or equivalent) thesis on a relevant topic in a European, Northern African or Middle Eastern institution within calendar year 2021,
  • have not previously won another international award for that thesis, and,
  • are members of the EAMT at the time of submission, 

are invited to submit their theses to the EAMT for consideration. 


The submissions will be judged by a panel of experts who will be specifically appointed, based on the EAMT 2022 program committee, and which will be ratified by the Executive Board of the EAMT.

Selection criteria

Each thesis will be judged according to how challenging the problem was, to how relevant the results are for machine translation as a field, and to the strength of their impact in terms of scientific publications.


The scope of the thesis does not need to be confined to a technical area, and applications are also invited from students who carried out their research into commercial and management aspects of machine translation.

Possible areas of research include:

  • development of machine translation or advanced computer-assisted translation: methods, software or resources
  • machine translation for less-resourced languages
  • the use of these systems in professional environments (freelance translators, translation agencies, localisation, etc.)
  • the increasing impact of machine translation on non-professional Internet users and its impact in communications, social networking, etc.
  • spoken language translation
  • the integration of machine translation and translation memory systems
  • the integration of machine translation software in larger IT applications
  • the evaluation of machine translation systems in real tasks such as those above
  • the cross-fertilisation between machine translation and other language technologies


The winner will be announced on the 30th of April 2022 and will receive a prize of €500, together with an inscribed certificate. The recipient of the award will be required to briefly present their research at EAMT 2022 to be held from 1st June to 3rd June 2022 in Ghent, Belgium. In order to facilitate this, the EAMT will waive the winner’s registration costs, and will make available a travel bursary of €200 to enable the recipient of the award to attend the said conference. The prize includes complimentary membership in the EAMT for 2022 and 2023.


Candidates will submit using EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eamt2022 (Submission type: Thesis Award), a single PDF file containing:

  • a 2-page summary of your thesis in English, containing:
    • your full contact details,
  • the name and contact details of your supervisor(s),
  • a copy of your CV in English (at most one page, plus a complete list of publications directly related to the thesis)
  • an electronic copy of your thesis
  • optionally, an appendix with any other relevant information on the thesis

By submitting their work, authors

  • agree that, in case they are granted the award, any subsequently published version of the thesis should carry the citation “The Anthony C. Clarke Award for the 2021 EAMT Best Thesis” and
  • acknowledge the right of the EAMT to publicize the granting of the award.

For this year Best Thesis Award we are requiring candidates to be an individual EAMT member at the time of submission. For EAMT memberships, please visit: http://www.eamt.org/membership.php.

Closing date

  • Submission deadline: April 1, 2022, 23:59 CEST.
  • Award notification: April 30, 2022.
EAMT conference

EAMT 2022 – Call for Papers

Call for papers

The European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT) invites everyone interested in machine translation and translation-related tools and resources ― developers, researchers, users, translation and localization professionals and managers ― to participate in this conference.

Driven by the state of the art, the research community will demonstrate their cutting-edge research and results. Professional machine translation users will provide insight into successful MT implementation of machine translation (MT) in business scenarios as well as implementation scenarios involving large corporations, governments, or NGOs. Translation studies scholars and translation practitioners are also invited to share their first-hand MT experience, which will be addressed during a special track.

We expect to receive manuscripts in these four categories:


Submissions (up to 10 pages, including references) are invited for reports of significant research results in any aspect of machine translation and related areas. Such reports should include a substantial evaluation component, or have a strong theoretical and/or methodological contribution where results and in-depth evaluations may not be appropriate. Papers are welcome on all topics in the areas of machine translation and translation-related technologies, including:

  • Deep-learning approaches for MT and MT evaluation;
  • Advances in classical MT paradigms: statistical, rule-based, and hybrid approaches;
  • Comparison of various MT approaches;
  • Technologies for MT deployment: quality estimation, domain adaptation, etc.;
  • MT in special settings: low resources, massive resources, high volume, low computing resources;
  • MT applications: translation/localization aids, speech-to-speech, speech-to-text, optical character recognition, MT for user generated content (blogs, social networks), MT in Computer-aided language learning, etc.;
  • Linguistic resources for MT: dictionaries, terminology, corpora, etc.;
  • MT evaluation techniques, metrics, and evaluation results;
  • Human factors in MT and user interfaces;
  • Related multilingual technologies: natural language generation, information retrieval, text categorization, text summarization, information extraction, etc.

Papers should describe original work. They should emphasize completed work rather than intended work, and should indicate clearly the state of completion of the reported results. Where appropriate, concrete evaluation results should be included.

Papers should be anonymized, prepared according to the templates specified below, and no longer than 10 pages (including references); the resulting PDFs submitted to EasyChair EAMT 2022 page (submission type: EAMT2022 Research).


Submissions (up to 10 pages, including references) are invited for reports on case studies and implementation experience with MT in small or medium-size businesses in the language industry, as well as implementation scenarios involving large corporations, governments, or NGOs. Contributions are welcome on the following topics:

  • Integrating MT and computer-assisted translation into a translation production workflow (e.g. transforming terminology glossaries into MT resources, optimizing translation memory/MT thresholds, mixing online and offline tools, using interactive MT, dealing with MT confidence scores);
  • Use of MT to improve translation or localization workflows (e.g. reducing turnaround times, improving translation consistency, increasing the scope of globalization projects);
  • Managing change when implementing and using MT (e.g. switching between multiple MT systems, limiting degradations when updating or upgrading an MT system);
  • Implementing open-source MT in the SME or enterprise (e.g. strategies to get support, reports on taking pilot results into full deployment, examples of advanced customization sought and obtained thanks to the open-source paradigm, collaboration within open-source MT projects);
  • Evaluating MT in a real-world setting (e.g. error detection strategies employed, metrics used, productivity or translation quality gains achieved);
  • Post-editing strategies and tools (e.g. limitations of traditional translation quality assurance tools, challenges associated with post-editing guidelines);
  • Legal issues associated with MT, especially MT in the cloud (e.g. copyright, privacy);
  • Using MT in social networking or real-time communication (e.g. enterprise support chat, multilingual content for social media);
  • Implementing MT to process multilingual content for assimilation purposes (e.g. cross-lingual information retrieval, MT for e-discovery or spam detection, MT for highly dynamic content);
  • Implementing MT standards.

Papers should highlight problems and solutions in addition to describing MT integration processes and project settings. Where solutions do not seem to exist, suggestions for MT researchers and developers should be clearly emphasized. For user papers produced by academics, we require co-authorship with the actual users.

Papers should be formatted according to the templates specified below, no longer than 10 pages (including references), and submitted as PDF files to the EasyChair EAMT 2022 page (submission type: EAMT2022 User). Anonymization is not required in the User track submissions.

Please note that 10 pages is the maximum number of pages. Innovative and professional submissions of any length will be evaluated by the committee.


Submissions (2 pages, including references) are invited to report new, interesting:

  • Tools for machine translation, computer aided translation, and the like (including commercial products and open-source software). The authors should be ready to present the tools in the form of demos or posters during the conference;
  • Research projects related to machine translation. The authors should be ready to present the projects in the form of posters during the conference. This follows on from the successful ‘project villages’ held at the last EAMT conferences.

Abstracts should be formatted according to the templates specified below. Anonymization is not required. The abstracts should be no longer than 2 pages (including references), and submitted as PDF files to the EasyChair EAMT 2022 page (submission type: EAMT2022 Products-Projects).


The use of machine translation by professional translators has an important social and economic impact due to the multilingualism of globalized societies. Translation practitioners deal with MT output in a wide variety of environments (inside or outside CAT tools, post-editing or drafting for inspiration, managing projects, training and improving engines) and, for this reason, they play a key role in the translation workflow and in the advance of MT.

This conference invites translation practitioners and translation scholars to share their views and observations based on their day-to-day experience through submissions reporting on issues such as:

  • Measurements of comparative effort (time/keystrokes/cognitive) in translation practices involving MT and their impact on the profession;
  • Impact of MT on translators’ work: processes, new invoicing methods (for example, using TER for matching), applicability;
  • Psycho-social aspects of MT adoption (ergonomics, motivation, and social impact on the profession);
  • Error analysis and post-editing strategies (including automatic post-editing and automation strategies);
  • The use of translators’ metadata and user activity data in MT development;
  • Freelance translators’ independent use of MT (e.g. for individual productivity and not necessarily a customer requirement);
  • MT and usability;
  • MT in literary, audiovisual, game localization and creative texts;
  • MT and interpreting;
  • Ethical and confidentiality issues when using MT;
  • MT in various scenarios including health care communication, crisis translation, and climate change;
  • MT in the translation/interpreting classroom.

Accepted translator track papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Please make sure to consult and cite previously published work before submitting your paper.

Submissions should be anonymized, prepared according the templates specified below, and no longer than 10 pages (including references). Proposals should be submitted as PDF files to the EasyChair EAMT 2022 page (submission type: EAMT2022 Translator).

Please note that 10 pages is the maximum number of pages. Submissions of any length will be evaluated by the committee.


Use the templates below to prepare your submission:

  • Submissions deadline: 01 April 2022
  • Notification to authors: 26 April 2022
  • Author Registration: 06 May 2022
  • Camera ready deadline: 06 May 2022

All deadlines are at 23.59 CEST.


Helena Moniz, EAMT President, University of Lisbon, INESC-ID


Loïc Barrault, Le Mans Université (Research track)

Marta R. Costa-jussà, Univ. Politècnica de Catalunya (Research track)

Ellie Kemp, CLEAR Global (User track)

Spyridon Pilos, European Court of Auditors (User track)

Christophe Declercq, Univ. of Utrecht, Univ. of Leuven &
Univ. College London (Translators’ track)

Maarit Koponen, Univ. of Eastern Finland (Translators’ track)

Mikel L. Forcada, Univ. d’Alacant (Project/Product track)


Lieve Macken, LT3, Ghent University (co-chair)

Andrew Rufener, CrossLang (co-chair)

Joachim Van den Bogaert, CrossLang

Joke Daems, LT3, Ghent University

Arda Tezcan, LT3, Ghent University

Bram Vanroy, LT3, Ghent University

EAMT best thesis award

2020 EAMT Best Thesis Award winners

Four PhD theses defended in 2020 were received as candidates for the 2020 edition of the Anthony C Clarke Award – EAMT Best Thesis Award, and all four were eligible. Eight EAMT Executive Committee members were recruited to examine and score the theses, considering how challenging the problem tackled in each thesis was, how relevant the results were for machine translation as a field, and what the strength of its impact in terms of scientific publications was. Two EAMT Executive Committee members also analysed all theses.

The scores of the best theses were extremely close, which made it very hard to select a single winner. A panel of seven EAMT Executive Committee members (Khalil Sima’an, Barry Haddow, Celia Rico, Lieve Macken, Carolina Scarton, Helena Moniz and Mikel L. Forcada) was assembled to process and discuss the reviews.

After a lot of consideration, the panel has decided to have two ex aequo winners for the 2020 edition of the EAMT Best Thesis Award:

  • Maha Elbayad: Rethinking the Design of Sequence-to-Sequence Models for Efficient Machine Translation (University Grenoble Alpes, France) — supervised by Laurent Besacier and Jakob Verbeek
  • Mattia Antonino Di Gangi: Neural Speech Translation: From Neural Machine Translation to Direct Speech Translation (University of Trento, Italy) — supervised by Marcello Federico, Marco Turchi and Matteo Negri

The awardees will receive a prize of €500, together with a suitably-inscribed certificate. In addition, Dr. Elbayad and Dr. Di Gangi have been invited to present a summary of their theses at the 23nd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT 2022: https://eamt2022.com) which will take place in June, 1-3 2021 .

Helena Moniz, EAMT President
Carolina Scarton, EAMT Secretary

EAMT best thesis award

[UPDATED] The Anthony C. Clarke Award for the 2020 EAMT Best Thesis

The European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT, http://www.eamt.org) is an organization that serves the growing community of people interested in MT and translation tools, including translators, users, developers, and researchers of this increasingly viable technology.

The EAMT invites entries for its ninth EAMT Best Thesis Award for a PhD or equivalent thesis on a topic related to machine translation.

Previous year winners can be found here.


Researchers who

  • have completed a PhD (or equivalent) thesis on a relevant topic in a European, Northern African or Middle Eastern institution within calendar year 2020,
  • have not previously won another international award for that thesis, and,
  • are members of the EAMT at the time of submission,

are invited to submit their theses to the EAMT for consideration.


The submissions will be judged by a panel of experts who will be specifically appointed, based on the EAMT 2020 program committee, and which will be ratified by the Executive Board of the EAMT.

Selection criteria

Each thesis will be judged according to how challenging the problem was, to how relevant the results are for machine translation as a field, and to the strength of their impact in terms of scientific publications.


The scope of the thesis does not need to be confined to a technical area, and applications are also invited from students who carried out their research into commercial and management aspects of machine translation.

Possible areas of research include:

  • development of machine translation or advanced computer-assisted translation: methods, software or resources
  • machine translation for less-resourced languages
  • the use of these systems in professional environments (freelance translators, translation agencies, localisation, etc.)
  • the increasing impact of machine translation on non-professional Internet users and its impact in communications, social networking, etc.
  • spoken language translation
  • the integration of machine translation and translation memory systems
  • the integration of machine translation software in larger IT applications
  • the evaluation of machine translation systems in real tasks such as those above
  • the cross-fertilisation between machine translation and other language technologies


The winner will be announced on the 5th of September 2021 and will receive a prize of €500, together with an inscribed certificate. The recipient of the award will be required to briefly present their research at EAMT 2022. In order to facilitate this, the EAMT will waive the winner’s registration costs, and will make available a travel bursary of €200 to enable the recipient of the award to attend the said conference. The prize includes complimentary membership in the EAMT for 2021 and 2022.


Candidates will submit using EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eamt2021 (Submission type: Thesis Award), a single PDF file containing:

  • a 2-page summary of your thesis in English, containing:
    • your full contact details,
    • the name and contact details of your supervisor(s),
  • a copy of your CV in English (at most one page, plus a complete list of publications directly related to the thesis)
  • an electronic copy of your thesis
  • optionally, an appendix with any other relevant information on the thesis

By submitting their work, authors

  • agree that, in case they are granted the award, any subsequently published version of the thesis should carry the citation “The Anthony C. Clarke Award for the 2020 EAMT Best Thesis” and
  • acknowledge the right of the EAMT to publicize the granting of the award.

For this year Best Thesis Award we are requiring candidates to be an individual EAMT member at the time of submission. For EAMT memberships, please visit: http://www.eamt.org/membership.php.

The closing date for submissions will be the same as the deadline for EAMT 2021 research papers (to be announced).

Closing date

  • Submission deadline: June 30, 2021, 23:59 CEST.
  • Award notification: September 5, 2021.

[1] Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia.
[2] Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Yemen.

EAMT conference

EAMT 2021 Ghent postponed until spring 2022

After evaluating the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, and, more specifically, the likelihood of unrestricted international travel, and after considering the limitations and inconvenience of yet another online meeting to the schedule of everyone interested, the Executive Committee of the European Association for Machine Translation and the organizing committee of EAMT 2021 Ghent have jointly decided to postpone the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT 2021) to the spring of 2022, when we expect that a large part of the European population will have been vaccinated and international travel regulations will make it possible to host an in-person conference in Ghent, Belgium. We are also very thankful to all six track co-chairs that had been appointed for agreeing to serve in EAMT 2022; therefore, we expect to issue a call for papers by the end of 2021. Please make sure to visit http://EAMT.org regularly to keep informed.

April 27, 2021

Mikel L. Forcada President,
EAMT General Chair,
EAMT 2021.

EAMT best thesis award

2019 EAMT Best Thesis Awardee

Ten PhD theses defended in 2019 were received as candidates for the 2019 edition of the Anthony C Clarke Award – EAMT Best Thesis Award, and all ten were eligible. 36 reviewers and six EAMT Executive Committee members were recruited to examine and score the theses, considering how challenging the problem tackled in each thesis was, how relevant the results were for machine translation as a field, and what the strength of its impact in terms of scientific publications was. Two EAMT Executive Committee members also analysed all theses.

The year of 2019 was again a very good year for PhD theses in machine translation. The scores of the best theses were very close, which made it very hard to select a winner. A panel of five EAMT Executive Committee members (André Martins, Lucia Specia, Khalil Sima’an, Carolina Scarton, and Mikel L. Forcada) was assembled to process the reviews and select a winner.

The panel has then decided to grant the 2019 edition of the EAMT Best Thesis Award to Felix Stahlberg’s thesis “The Roles of Language Models and Hierarchical Models in Neural Sequence-to-Sequence Prediction” (University of Cambridge — now at Google), supervised by Bill Byrne and with Phil Woodland as advisor.

The awardee will receive a prize of €500, together with a suitably-inscribed certificate. In addition, Dr. Stahlberg has been invited to present a summary of his thesis at the 22nd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT 2020: https://eamt2020.inesc-id.pt) which will take place in November (dates to be confirmed).

Mikel L. Forcada

EAMT President

Carolina Scarton

EAMT Secretary

Program committee

We would like to thank our reviewers that, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, still gave their time to review the theses and help us select the winner. Specially, Julia Ive, Iacer Calixto, José G. C. de Souza, and Jesús González Rubio that also acted as emergency reviewers.

  • Alon Lavie, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Andreas Maletti, Universität Leipzig
  • André Martins, Unbabel
  • Andy Way, Dublin City University
  • Antonio Toral, University of Groningen
  • Barry Haddow, University of Edinburgh
  • Celia Rico, Universidad Europea de Madrid
  • Christian Hardmeier, Uppsala University
  • Cristina España-Bonet, UdS and DFKI
  • Daniel Beck, University of Melbourne
  • Dimitar Shterionov, Dublin City University
  • Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunsk, Saarland University
  • Federico Gaspari, Dublin City University
  • Francisco Casacuberta, Universitat Politècnica de València
  • François Yvon, Université Paris-Sud
  • Frederic Blain, University of Sheffield
  • Iacer Calixto, University of Amsterdam
  • Jan Niehues, Maastricht University
  • Jesús González Rubio, WebInterpret
  • Joke Daems, Ghent University
  • José G. C. de Souza, Unbabel
  • Julia Ive, Imperial College London
  • Lieve Macken, Ghent University
  • Loïc Barrault, University of Sheffield
  • Longyue Wang, Tencent AI Lab
  • Lucia Specia, Imperial College London
  • Maja Popovic, Dublin City University
  • Marcello Federico, Amazon AI
  • Markus Freitag, Google AI
  • Matteo Negri, Fondazione Bruno Kessler
  • Mauro Cettolo, Fondazione Bruno Kessler
  • Miguel Domingo, Universitat Politècnica de València
  • Miquel Esplà, Universitat d’Alacant
  • Patrick Simianer, Lilt Inc.
  • Pavel Pecina, Charles University
  • Philipp Koehn, Johns Hopkins University
  • Qun Liu, Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab
  • Rico Sennrich, University of Zurich
  • Sharon O’Brien, Dublin City University
  • Sheila Castilho, Dublin City University
  • Vincent Vandeghinste, KU Leuven