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Josef Van Genabith – Centre Director
Who are we?
Language barriers constitute a formidable obstacle to the free flow of information, products and services in an increasingly globalised economy and information society.
“Localisation” refers to the process of adapting digital content to culture, locale and linguistic environments at high quality and speed. Localisation is a key enabling, value-adding, multiplier component of the global software and content distribution industry. Localisation seeks to overcome language barriers.
The ADAPT Centre is a dynamic Academia-Industry partnership with over 100 researchers developing novel technologies addressing the key localisation challenges of volume, access and personalisation.
Our objective is to produce substantial advances in the basic and applied research underpinning the design, implementation and evaluation of the blueprints for the Next Generation Localisation Factory.
Our mission is to revolutionise localisation via breakthroughs in automation, composition and integration, focusing on:
- Integrated machine translation technology
- Speech-based interfaces and more personalised speech output
- Multilingual digital content management for personalised multilingual content access and delivery
- Localisation workflows and system integration
Our work is guided by the vision of enabling people to interact with content, products and services in their own language, according to their own culture, and according to their own personal needs.
Why did we join the EAMT?
Over the past few years, the MT group at DCU has had considerable input into the EAMT Committee: Harold Somers was a member for many years, and as we have acted as Webmasters for the EAMT since 2004, Andy Way was a member in that regard. Currently, Mikel Forcada (on sabbatical in DCU 2009-10) and Andy Way fill the roles of Secretary and President of EAMT, respectively. Furthermore, a further member, Hany Hassan of IBM, did his PhD with Andy, graduating in 2009.
Our group has been very active in research events run by the EAMT, having published in EAMT conferences in 2004, 2005, 2006 (3 papers), 2008, and 2009 (5 papers), as well as at MT Summit 2007 (4 papers). In our opinion, EAMT-organised events are among the best conferences held in our field, as they feature the right mix of users, researchers, developers and vendors, and have just the right number of papers for a 2-day event.
We are delighted to support the EAMT in many regards: professionally in our capacity as officers of the Association (including acting as Webmasters), academically by continuing to submit papers to the EAMT’s high-quality events, as well as sponsoring and hosting do events such as EBMT-3, the 3rd International Workshop on Example-Based MT.