MT Summit 2025: Bursaries for attendees with disabilities
Call for Participation
The European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT) is an organisation that serves the growing community of people interested in MT and translation tools, including translators, users, developers, and researchers of this increasingly viable technology.
As part of its commitment to promote research, development, and awareness about translation technologies, and to promote inclusivity in our community, the EAMT opens a call for a few bursaries to support attendees with disabilities, in attending the 20th Machine Translation Summit (MT Summit 2025) conference will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, from June 23rd to June 27th.
Purpose of the Call
This call is dedicated to support potential MT Summit 2025 attendees with disabilities, working or studying in European, Middle-Eastern or African countries.
All applications will be screened by EAMT executive committee members.
Application information
Eligibility requirements
In order to qualify for this call, the individual must be a researcher, student, or translator working in the field of Machine Translation, with a diagnosed disability. The support is only available to individuals working or studying in European, Middle-Eastern or African countries. We will also give priority to people with accepted papers in the main conference.
Selection criteria
- The selection will be made based on the information submitted to the provided Google Forms (link below).
- One of the fields in the form is a “motivation letter”, where you should describe your motivation for attending the MT Summit 2025 conference and explain why you need EAMT support (e.g. hiring sign language interpreters, hiring a guide for a blind person, support the transport of service dogs, etc).
- You should also add the estimated cost for the support (if known).
- You should also submit a CV, highlighting your years of experience and your experience working with MT.
- For students: you should also submit an official proof of student status, signed by your University.
- Please DO NOT add medical documents.
- Please note that the support required can be tailored to your specific disability. Therefore, you can apply with your proposal.
EAMT anticipates funding several applications. Selected participants will be announced on the 18th April 2025. The level of support will be decided based on your request and associated costs. EAMT anticipates that it may partially fund bursaries.
Contact for enquiries
Sara Szoc
EAMT Secretary
Candidates should submit their applications via a Google Form:
Important Dates
- Circulation of the Call: March 17th, 2025
- Submission deadline for applications: April 4th, 2025, 23:59 CEST
- Notification: April 18th, 2025
Additional provisions
- Only complete applications will be reviewed.
- All information submitted with applications will be regarded as confidential and will only be used in the context of this call.
No obligation to award the bursaries
The EAMT shall be under no obligation to fund the applications pursuant to this call for participation. EAMT shall not be liable for any compensation with respect to candidates whose applications have not been approved. Nor shall it be liable in the event of it deciding not to award the bursaries.